Student Wellbeing develops and enhances:
- Positive self-regard
- Respect for others
- Positive relationships
- Responsible behaviours
- Personal resilience.
Wellbeing is integral to positive social relationships and learning experiences, and ultimately, to overall health and life success. As a dynamic and caring community, Mary Immaculate Primary School focuses on student wellbeing so that our students feel valued, respected, safe and supported, enabling them to flourish and reach their full potential. Our programs, policies and initiatives promote wellbeing in all areas of our students’ lives: the social world of friendships and relationships; the digital world – where students navigate the challenges of new and emerging technologies; and the wider world, where students need skills to make reasoned and safe choices on a range of issues.
We are a partnership school with The Resilience Project, an engaging program that provides practical, evidenced-based, positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. The Resilience Project is based on the concepts of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness (GEM). Based on research, developing the skills of GEM, relieves stress, reduces anxiety and improves decision-making and focus – leading to significant, sustained improvements in wellbeing. Our students participate in weekly, sequential and age-appropriate Project lessons with their class teacher. More information about The Resilience Project can be found at: The Resilience Project on the Today Show and The Resilience Project.
Wellbeing Programs
We have a dedicated Student Wellbeing Leader who works closely with staff, parents and students to coordinate the wellbeing programs at our school:
- The Resilience Project
- Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships
- National Safe Schools Framework
Student Representative Council
- Year 6 Student Leadership Positions
- Prep/Year 6 Buddies
- Cybersafety
- Growth Mindset
- The Habits of Mind
- Student of the Week Awards
- Life Education
- Restorative Practices
- Social and Emotional Literacy including ‘Circle Time’
- Values Education
- Bounce Back/ Bully Busters/ Hands off
- The Wonder of Living
- Transitional Orientation Programs.
The Resilience Project Parent Session
'Gratitude' - an important element of The Resilience Project
The Resilience Project session with our younger students