To make a time to meet with the Acting Principal, Karen Campbell, and have a personal ‘talk and tour’
or be sent an enrolment pack, please contact our Office Manager, Karen Mahoney, on
(03) 9497 1827 or email
Alternatively, please complete and email to Karen, the attached Application for Enrolment.
Applications will be processed in order of receipt.
** Families that are experiencing financial difficulty, are strongly encouraged to
contact the Principal to discuss options and arrangements for school fees relief . **
Our extended Prep Orientation Program of eight sessions, will take place across the year, beginning in July. This Program enables our new Prep students to experience a positive transition from kindergarten to school, as they get to know each other, our wonderful staff and the layout of our school, before they begin school the following year. They also get to meet their Year 6 Buddy for the next year – we’re not sure who loves this more, the Year 6 students or our new Preps! We confidently say, the only tears on the first day of school are from the parents, as our Orientation Program helps to ensure that our new Preps are well and truly ready to start their primary schooling.
At Mary Immaculate Primary School (MIPS), we genuinely are a ‘dynamic and caring community’. Our extended Orientation Program also provides our Prep parents with an opportunity to meet the other new families and begin to get to know each other as they become part of our welcoming and friendly school community. See what our parents and our students have to say in our Parent Testimonials and Student Testimonials…
Open Day Dates – 2025
Tuesday 25 February: 9.30-11am; 2-3pm; and 5-6pm
Tuesday 11 March: 9.30-11am; 2-3pm; and 5-6pm
Thursday 3 April: 9.30-11am; 2-3pm; and 5-6pm
Tuesday 29 April: 9.30-11am; 2-3pm; and 5-6pm.
Two of our scheduled Open Days for 2025 have been completed, but as ‘every day is an Open Day’ at Mary Immaculate School, parents can contact our school office for a personal ‘talk and tour’ if you are unable to attend our remaining dates.
We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school!